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Cancer Video Resources

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Our team of healthcare professionals discuss cancer prevention, early detection, treatments, and services available through our nationally accredited Department of Oncology.

Cancer Rehabilitation

Richmond University Medical Center’s Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center provides specialty services designed for cancer patients. John Travieso, Physical Therapy Assistant at the center, answers questions surrounding the available services to cancer patients at the center and then provides an exercise demonstration.

Palliative Care video: One of Richmond University’s newest service offerings to our cancer patients is Palliative Care. Our Palliative Care team shares information about the palliative care program and who can benefit from the many services that the program offers.

Prostate and Bladder Cancer: Facts that can save a life

According to the American Cancer Society, other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. Fortunately there is a 95% recovery rate when caught early. Also according to the American Cancer Society, bladder cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men. Sovrin Shah, MD, from the Mount Sinai Health System who is seeing patients at our Urology Services Center at 1200 South Ave. on Staten Island, provides critical information on risk factors, symptoms, and treatments for both prostate and bladder cancer that can save lives. 

Nutrition After Your Cancer Diagnosis: Truth and Lies Part 1 and Part 2

Have you been recently diagnosed with Cancer? Richmond University Medical Center’s very own Registered Dietician and Diabetes Educator who specializes in Oncology, shares important and helpful tips and facts about how you should cater your diet after your recent diagnosis.