Staten Island Physiatry Specialists Offer Assistance with Pain
When you’ve been injured or are experiencing pain from a disease, you want fast, effective relief. A single medical approach, such as taking a prescription medication, isn’t always enough to help you feel better. Some diseases and injuries can leave you in need of a more holistic approach to healing than traditional medicine provides.
The physiatrists at Richmond University Medical Center will work with you and other medical professionals to create a comprehensive treatment plan to heal your body, utilizing physical therapy, pain management and other techniques.
Evaluation of Your Medical Condition
Muscular and skeletal damage are nothing to take chances with, and physiatrists are specialized medical doctors who take your condition seriously. Your appointment begins with an exam and a thorough evaluation. Once your evaluation is finished, your physiatrist works with a team of medical professionals who specialize in other forms of medicine to begin your healing plan.
Areas of Medicine Included in Physiatric Care
The nature of your treatment depends on the care plan developed for you by your physiatrist. Physical and occupational therapy are commonly utilized on an outpatient basis, with procedures such as an EMG recommended for cases of nerve or muscle damage. Patients struggling with joint pain may require pain management in their plan. Physiatrists can also recommend a prescription for prosthetics and orthotics to be included in your care plan. In some cases, your physiatrist may recommend joint injections, if clinically indicated, as part of your treatment.
Contact Us to Schedule an Appointment with a Physiatrist
Begin the healing process by scheduling an appointment with one of our qualified physiatrists today. Your physiatrist will work with you and a team of health care professionals to help you achieve unique healing and pain management goals. Contact us at the Richmond University Medical Center on Monday, Wednesday or Friday mornings between nine and noon at (718)-818-3165.