Six hour drive results in 49 pints of blood collected, saving close to 150 lives amidst current blood shortage
March 1, 2024 – On February 29, Richmond University Medical Center (RUMC) hosted a Pints for Pies blood drive in conjunction with the New York Blood Center. The drive was held inside the main hospital, located at 355 Bard Avenue. Close to 50 individuals donated blood during the six hour drive, resulting in 49 units of blood being collected. Each unit of blood has the capability if saving up to three lives, which means RUMC’s drive has the potential to save nearly 150 people.
“Blood donations play a tremendous role in assuring hospitals and medical facilities have an adequate supply of blood products available for our patients,” RUMC President and Chief Executive Officer, Daniel J. Messina, PhD, FACHE, said. “We are proud to have collaborated with the New York Blood Center, especially during this time when our nation is faced with a critically low blood supply. Thank you to all of our donors, your gift will make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.”
Every donor who participated in RUMC’s drive received a complimentary voucher for one free pizza from one of three local pizzerias: DOUGH by Licastri Eltingville, Jimmy Max, or Joe & Pat’s. ”Thank you to these wonderful partners for their generous involvement and for providing a delicious incentive for the community to donate blood,” Messina said.
New York has seen a 25% drop in donations in the last few weeks, resulting in 5,000 fewer donations, crippling the inventory that was expected to grow during National Blood Donor Month this past January. Low donor turnout, inclement weather, and a spike in seasonal illnesses has also impacted the New York Blood Center’s inventory.
Based on the success of the February 29 blood drive, RUMC and the New York Blood Center have already planned a two day blood drive, open to the public, on Monday, April 29 from 11 AM to 5 PM and Tuesday, April 30 from 9 AM to 3 PM inside the main hospital. All three local pizzerias have agreed to once again generously donate free pizzas to all donors who participate. Blood donors can donate every 56 days and up to six times a year. This means all donors who participated in the drive on February 29 are eligible to donate again during the upcoming two-day drive in April. Information on how to register for the April 29 and 30 drive will be available shortly.
According to New York Blood Center, roughly one in seven hospital admissions require a blood transfusion. Those in need include cancer patients, accident, burn, or trauma victims, newborn babies and their mothers, transplant recipients, surgery patients, chronically transfused patients suffering from sickle cell disease or thalassemia, and many more. New York Blood Center is the primary provider of blood products to 200 plus hospitals in the tristate area and needs to collect more than 2,000 units of blood products each day to meet current demands.