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Local Karate Students Raise Breast Cancer Awareness with Donation to RUMC

November 8, 2021

Students donate over $6,000 for RUMC’s Breast and Women’s Center On November 6, over 150 students from Dragon Kim’s Karate USA did their part to help chop down breast cancer and support those in the community battling the disease. The students sold pink karate belts throughout October, which is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and […]

Home Blood Sugar Testing

Know Your Numbers: Raising Diabetes Awareness

November 4, 2021

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with diabetes, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure a healthy lifestyle. Richmond University Medical Center provides educational material on diabetes to better equip you for the years to come, including the effects of diabetes on the body and what you can […]

RUMC Receives Menstrual Product Donation to Help Victims of Sexual Assault

November 1, 2021

Aunt Flow and SUNY Donate Over 3,000 Items to be Distributed Through Hospital’s SAFE Program To assist victims of sexual assault being cared for at Richmond University Medical Center (RUMC), Aunt Flow, a provider of menstrual products for commercial bathrooms, and the State University of New York (SUNY)’s Got Your Back program, have donated over 3,000 […]

Physical Therapist Helping Patient

The Importance of Physical Therapy and How It Can Help with Recovery

October 26, 2021

The goal of physical therapy is to restore a patient’s functionality, mobility, and strength. This treatment aims to prevent further damage to the area being treated and decreases or eliminates the need for treatments such as medicines, injections, and more. Through physical therapy, Richmond University Medical Center helps patients increase functionality and strength using individualized […]

Richmond University Medical Center Welcomes NYS Office of Mental Health Commissioner

October 25, 2021

Commissioner Ann Marie T. Sullivan Tours Facilities, Reviews Services and Thanks Staff On October 22, Ann Marie T. Sullivan, MD, Commissioner for the New York State Office of Mental Health, toured the inpatient and outpatient behavioral health facilities of Richmond University Medical Center (RUMC). She was joined by hospital leadership as well as Bob Moon, […]

AIDS Awareness Ribbon

How to Fight the AIDS Epidemic with Testing, PrEP, and More

October 20, 2021

Since the 1980s, the AIDS epidemic has quickly made its way onto the global stage, and countries everywhere have worked to suppress the virus and prevent further transmission. At Richmond University Medical Center, our Palliative Care Program provides those who have been diagnosed with AIDS with supportive medical services. Here, we discuss how to fight […]

Richmond University Medical Center Holds Breast Cancer Awareness Ceremony

October 15, 2021

Hospital staff, local leaders, join breast cancer patients and survivors to raise awareness October 15, 2021 – Richmond University Medical Center (RUMC) marked Breast Cancer Awareness Month with a ceremony at its Breast and Women’s Center that honored those lost to the disease, celebrated the courage of breast cancer survivors, and expressed support for those […]

Coughing While Holding Chest

6 Early Signs of COPD

October 12, 2021

With complications such as respiratory infections, heart problems, lung cancer, high blood pressure, and depression, it is important to educate yourself on the early signs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD refers to a group of diseases that cause airflow blockage and breathing-related problems, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Because millions of Americans experience […]

Doctor Using Ultrasound Machine

4 Effective Uses of Ultrasound Testing

October 5, 2021

Chances are you have received an ultrasound at some point in your life. Generally, they involve a trained medical professional using imaging equipment on your skin, producing an image that helps doctors evaluate a variety of medical conditions. Richmond University Medical Center takes a closer look below at four effective uses of ultrasound testing. 1. […]

RUMC Holds Annual Spa Wellness Day for Hospital Medical Residents

September 29, 2021

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual event provided an opportunity to relax, recharge, and unwind Massages, manicures, and calming fragrances are not what someone typically finds in a hospital setting. However, that was the order of the day recently when Richmond University Medical Center (RUMC) held its annual spa wellness day for its medical residents. […]