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Medical MRI Scan Of Lungs, Shown On A Digital Screen

Lung Cancer Prevention: Ways To Lower Your Risk

March 29, 2022

Lung cancer is a condition that attacks the lung tissue. Those who smoke have an increased chance of developing the disease. However, it also can occur in non-smokers through secondhand smoke or a family history of lung cancer. While physicians can treat cancer central to the lungs, it can become harder to treat once it […]

A Woman Dyes Her Hair

Hair Dyes And Breast Cancer Risk: What You Need to Know

March 15, 2022

Many women in the United States choose to color their hair, either with an at-home dye kit or with the help of a professional colorist at a salon. But is there a link between hair dyes and straighteners and an increased risk of breast cancer? Here, Richmond University Medical Center shares insights from a national […]

Patient Is Having A Mammography Examination

Mammogram Vs. Breast MRI: What Is The Difference?

March 8, 2022

While most women know they need to get a mammogram at a certain age, they may not have heard of a breast MRI. While both are diagnostic tools, a breast MRI and a mammogram serve contrasting functions in women’s health care. Here, Richmond University Medical Center explains how these tests are used and how they […]

Two Men Exercising Outdoors

Preventing Colon Cancer: Tips For Reducing Your Risk

March 4, 2022

Colorectal cancer can develop in the colon or the rectum, and the majority of cases develop gradually from precancerous polyps. The American Cancer Society estimates that colon cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the U.S. If you are wondering how to prevent colon cancer completely, there is no failsafe method. […]

Cigarette Being Smoked

5 Reasons to Make a New Year’s Resolution to Quit Smoking

December 21, 2021

As the New Year approaches, it is an opportunity for a fresh start. Many people use this clean slate to make positive changes within their own life. If you are trying to decide which change you should make in your life, quitting smoking should be at the top of the list. Richmond University Medical Center […]

Soapy Hands Being Washed

Tips for Cleaning Your Hands

December 7, 2021

Washing your hands is one of the most effective ways to stop germs from spreading person-to-person and can help you avoid getting sick. Even though we were told at an early age to always wash our hands, some people never learn the proper way of doing so. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, washing your hands […]

Flu Shot

5 Reasons to Get Your Flu Shot

November 30, 2021

When colder weather approaches, it is important to be aware of flu season and the potential dangers that can come with it. Because the common cold and flu share similar symptoms, many people think the flu is just a more severe form of cold. Cold and flu are both respiratory illnesses, but they are caused […]

Lung Cancer Imaging

Understanding the Signs of Lung Cancer and When to Talk to Your Physician

November 16, 2021

Lung cancer refers to malignant (harmful) cancerous cells that develop in the lungs of the respiratory system. Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common type, making up a large majority of lung cancer diagnoses, while small-cell lung cancer is rarer yet known to spread quickly. The onset of lung cancer is usually linked to […]

Richmond University Medical Center Hosts Halloween Themed Blood Drive

November 10, 2021

Over 42 Units of Blood Collected Thanks to Nearly 40 Donors On October 30, Richmond University Medical Center hosted a Halloween themed blood drive at its Family Health Center, located at 800 Castleton Avenue. Close to 40 individuals donated blood, resulting in a collection of 42 units. The units have the potential to help save […]