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Calendar with Colonoscopy Appointment Reminder

Helpful Tips for Colonoscopy Prep

September 4, 2022

Colonoscopy procedures are a valuable tool in screening, diagnosing, and treating digestive problems, like Crohn’s disease and colon cancer. Richmond University Medical Center offers Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Suites in Staten Island, New York, that provide high-quality and full-service ambulatory G.I. services like colonoscopies. The experienced team of physicians, nurses, and medical professionals have vast experience […]

To-do list reminder to schedule a mammogram

Baseline Mammogram: What It Is and When a Woman Should Get One

August 15, 2022

Routine mammograms are a vital aspect of women’s health, as they reduce the risks associated with breast cancer. Since this risk increases as women get older, physicians recommend getting a baseline mammogram first and then continuing to have regular mammograms moving forward as a preventative measure. Richmond University Medical Center in Staten Island, NY, provided […]

A cup of tea and some crackers

The Best and Worst Foods to Eat After A Colonoscopy

August 10, 2022

A colonoscopy screening requires a low-fiber and clear liquid diet before the procedure to clean out the colon. After the colonoscopy, it is important to slowly re-introduce a normal diet by beginning with foods that are gentle on the digestive system. Richmond University Medical Center in Staten Island, NY, walks through what to eat after […]

Healthy food in a heart-shaped bowl

Foods to Avoid to Maintain a Healthy Heart

August 4, 2022

The foods people consume can have an impact on their heart health. Some foods help keep the heart healthy, while other foods may harm this vital organ. Richmond University Medical Center in Staten Island, NY, walks patients through which foods to avoid damaging the heart. How Food Affects Heart Health The foods people eat play […]

A physician holds up a card with the word “colonoscopy.”

Colonoscopies and Women: What Age to Have One

August 4, 2022

Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths in the United States among men and women. Colonoscopies can help with the early detection of cancer, and they are a key component of preventative care. While a higher incidence of colorectal cancer is found in men compared to women, it does not mean […]

Physician working with mammography X-ray scanner

Understanding a Breast MRI and What It Shows

July 26, 2022

Radiologists use several imaging techniques for diagnosing breast cancer. One common method is magnetic resonance imaging – or MRI. A breast MRI combines radio waves and magnetic fields to create detailed images of the breast on a computer. Discover more about this testing procedure and what it reveals from the breast and women’s health medical […]

Male breast cancer patient with pink ribbon on shirt

Signs and Symptoms of Male Breast Cancer: When to Talk to Your Physician

July 19, 2022

Many people hear the words “breast cancer” and think immediately of women’s health, but men can also develop breast cancer. While male breasts do not serve the same function as women’s, they still have a small amount of tissue behind the nipples where cancer may grow. To ensure men know when to speak to their […]

Health Department Announces New Details of Monkeypox Vaccine Strategy

July 14, 2022

The Health Department will release over 8,000 additional first dose appointments over the next two weeks, 4000 additional doses will be made available through referrals from community partner organization serving the highest-risk patients Appointments will be made available on the City’s vaccine portal: on Friday, July 15 at 6pm July 14, 2022 — The Health Department today […]

A man discusses shoulder pain with his physician

How Reverse Shoulder Replacement Differs From Traditional Replacement Surgery

July 12, 2022

Conventional total shoulder replacements are one of the most common treatments for those with shoulder arthritis. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, more than 53,000 people in the United States undergo this procedure annually. Despite these relatively high numbers, traditional shoulder replacements are not always the best option for all patients. An effective […]

Heart shape on an electrocardiogram readout, with a stethoscope

Supplements and Vitamins to Help Improve Heart Health

July 5, 2022

The Health Department will release over 8,000 additional first dose appointments over the next two weeks, 4000 additional doses will be made available through referrals from community partner organization serving the highest-risk patients Appointments will be made available on the City’s vaccine portal: on Friday, July 15 at 6pm July 14, 2022 — The Health Department today […]