We all know there are different aspects to taking care of our health and wellness. We need to eat healthy foods and get regular exercise. An annual checkup with a primary care physician is another important element of self-care. Awareness of any changes in our bodies, ability to function, or mental health is also key to getting medical help when needed. Finally, it’s important to add recommended cancer screenings to that list.
Schedule an age-appropriate screening with the experienced physicians at Richmond University Medical Center on Staten Island. Here, we provide more information about age and cancer screening guidelines.
Recommended Cancer Screenings by Age
When we can check the body for signs of cancer at prescribed intervals, there is a better chance of catching it early. Preventative screenings can detect abnormal cells that may become cancerous in the future. They’re also able to detect the initial stages of the disease, often before any symptoms show. In both cases, discovering cancer sooner increases the number of treatments available and often results in better health outcomes.
No matter your age, you should be regularly screened for lung cancer if you smoke or have other risk factors. Here are some general guidelines regarding other cancer screenings for people who have normal risk factors:
People Under 40
Cervical Cancer
Women under 40 should receive an annual Pap smear. The human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause cervical cancer when transmitted through intimate vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the virus. If you are sexually active, you should also be tested for HPV. Contact obstetrics and gynecology at Richmond University Medical Center for more information.
Skin Cancer
During your annual exam, be sure to tell your physician about any changes to moles or other visible skin markings as part of a skin cancer screening. If there is a concern, you may be referred to a dermatologist for further examination and tests.
Ages 40 to 64
Breast Cancer
Starting at least by age 45, most women should receive annual mammograms to screen for breast cancer. Depending on the nature of the breast tissue, an ultrasound or other imaging may be done in conjunction with mammograms. Contact Richmond University Medical Center’s Comprehensive Breast and Imaging Center for more information.
Endometrial Cancer
Post-menopausal women may be screened for endometrial cancer, depending on their history and symptoms. This requires a biopsy.
Colon Cancer
Colorectal cancer screenings are recommended at least by age 50. A colonoscopy procedure examines the colon using a small camera, and tissue samples may be removed during the process. Contact gastroenterology and endoscopy at Richmond University Medical Center for more information about colonoscopy prep and other screening services.
Prostate and Testicular Cancer
Depending on the level of risk and the presence of symptoms, examination with possible screening for prostate and testicular cancer may be recommended. It’s best to discuss your symptoms and options for screening with a qualified physician. Contact Richmond University Medical Center’s Urology Center for more information.
Age 65 and Older
Colon Cancer
Colon cancer screenings are recommended at least until age 75.
Breast Cancer
Mammogram frequency may be reduced to every two years for breast cancer screening.
Should I Get a Cancer Screening Sooner?
If you are experiencing symptoms or notice changes in your body, consult with a medical professional. The experienced physicians and medical personnel at Richmond University Medical Center offer a variety of screening options to detect cancers. They are available for examination, diagnosis and to discuss treatment options.
Cancer Screening Available at Richmond University Medical Center
Take care of yourself with regular checkups and cancer screenings. By following guidelines for the screenings and getting routine physical exams, you increase the chances of catching any disease or condition early and preventing long-term consequences. The experienced team at Richmond University Medical Center on Staten Island serves as an excellent resource for health and wellness in our community. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and discuss cancer screenings.