New Yorkers are stepping up in amazing and profound ways to save lives through organ, eye, and tissue donation. This remarkable act of kindness and generosity by donors and their families leaves a lasting legacy and has given thousands the opportunity to celebrate more birthdays, spend more time with loved ones, and do amazing things with their second chance at life.
But our families, friends, neighbors, and coworkers still need your help. There are nearly 9,000 New Yorkers on the transplant waiting list. When we say “yes” to donation as part of our end-of-life wishes, we are agreeing to be organ donor heroes who leave a lifesaving legacy.
April is National Donate Life Month, a celebration of our ability to save lives through organ, eye and tissue donation. We pay tribute to our donor heroes and empower ourselves to give the gift of life, heal the sick and extend our generosity and kindness to others.
· The quality of care you receive from medical professionals is never compromised because of your status as an organ, eye and tissue donor.
· Organ donation is often possible even with certain health conditions.
· There is no age limit to be an organ donor. The oldest donor in New York was 93 years old.
· The organ donation process follows strict guidelines to ensure fairness and equity.
· Because organ donation saves lives, major religions celebrate it as a final act of kindness and extending one’s blessings.
In support of the nearly 9,000 children and adults waiting for a transplant, please take a few moments to learn more about organ, eye and tissue donation. Talk with your loved ones about your final wishes and consider signing up to save a life. Please visit to learn more.