The Joan and Alan Bernikow Heart and Vascular Institute
Priority: Cardiac Catheterization Lab
Since the Cardiac Catheterization Lab opened in 2014, death rates from cardiac disease have dropped dramatically in our primary service area. The lab allows physicians to assess damage in patients who have suffered heart attacks and then repair that damage by opening narrowed arteries and valves, and placing stents to improve heart blood flow.
Technology has advanced since 2014, and so has the demand for cardiac cath lab services, especially as the Staten Island population ages. We must expand the lab to serve more patients, and we need to upgrade to the latest technology. Biplane technology produces the highest quality three-dimensional images of the body’s vascular system and soft tissues. This state-of-the-art imaging system will allow us to expand treatment to stroke patients, removing brain clots immediately to save lives and reduce impairment.

The Joan and Alan Bernikow Heart and Vascular Institute Naming Opportunities
Cardiac Care Center | $1,000,000 |
Biplane Cath Lab Room | $250,000 |
Waiting Room | $100,000 |
Doctor’s Office (2) | $25,000 (each) |
Fellows Area | $10,000 |
Staff Locker Room | $10,000 |
Staff Lounge | $10,000 |